TCMS UK & Ireland Market Review 2021 H1

Welcome to Acuity’s 2021 H1 review of the Telecoms, Cloud & Managed Services sector in the UK and Ireland. In spite of, or perhaps partly fuelled by…

Software Review

Software H1 Review 2021

In this H1 2021 issue of Acuity’s software market report, we analyse the trends that have defined the industry over the last 12 months…

CPU in lab

Semiconductor Q2 Review 2021

In this issue of Acuity’s semiconductor market report, we once again analyse the trends that have defined the industry over the last 12 months…

CPU in lab

Semiconductor Q1 Review 2021

In this quarterly issue of Acuity’s semiconductor market report, we analyse the trends that have defined the industry over the last 12 months…

Software Review

Software 2020 Review

Acuity Advisors’ 2020 Software Review focuses on key themes and drivers across M&A and fundraising.

CPU in lab

Semiconductor Q4 Review 2020

In the fourth quarter issue of Acuity’s semiconductor market report, we analyse the key changes in the semiconductor industry over the past year…

CPU in lab

Semiconductor Q3 Review 2020

The Q3 issue of Acuity’s semiconductor market report provides analysis of the key changes in the Semiconductor Industry over the past year…

Software Review

Software 2020 H1 Update

H1 2020 was very much a “game of two halves” as we say in the UK.

CPU in lab

Tools, Test & Verification Report

In 2019 the global Semiconductor market recorded a decrease in revenue of 11.9% to $418.3bn…

Software Review

Software – 2019 Review

The bandwagon rolls on: why did 2019 see further record levels of Software M&A?